"GOD in the midst of the Children of Men Was Purifying Them,
Purifying unto HIMSELF a Spotless Church."

"The Virtue of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS must be Personified!" --- FATHER DIVINE

Excerpt: - May 9, 1948 A.D.F.D.

Peninnah Divine MOTHER DIVINE

Sweet Angel Divine Divine



"This you know by the first as well as the second appearance of MOTHER. I produced Honesty, Holiness and Virtue! Aren't you glad! I produced Honesty as no man can! Where have you ever seen such Honesty and such Virtue exemplified? Where has there ever been on earth a man that could or would cause men to live Virtuous and Holy and Untouched, Incorruptible and Undefiled? Aren't you glad! It in itself is exemplifying that of which came in the Body of the Blessed Virgin Mary of nineteen hundred years ago.

"As I have said from years back, those of you as woman have been requested to copy after the Sample and the Example I have given you in the Blessed Virgin Mary. I mean of nineteen hundred years ago before it was reproduced, before it was reproduced, before it was reincarnated knowingly to the children of men. I said, the Virtue of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS must be Personified! The Sample and the Example you observed and thence realized: GOD in the midst of the children of men was purifying them, purifying unto HIMSELF a Spotless Church, a Glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, but I did not bring it into outer expression in the depicting of the mystery so explicitly until I brought you the Spotless Virgin as a Person to show you and to assure you that which was invisible, all of the Virginity of Mary and the Holiness of JESUS as being termed invisible, could as it would, yea, as it did, be reincarnated, visibilated, tangibilated, reproduced and personified!"