The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

An excerpt spoken by FATHER DIVINE at The Peace Center and Nazareth Mission Church,
N.Y.C., July 19, 1942 A.D.F.D.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



Things are done in parables at times and things are seen in parables, but not the reality do you understand. The Church is it of which is spoken of in the Scripture, the Bride, the LAMB'S Wife, the Marriage Supper of the LAMB and many points from that angle of expression, showing that GOD would care for the Church, the people, even as the Bridegroom cares for His Bride. Can you not see the mystery? In other Scriptures the Church is depicted as other unfoldments of expression.

In the Book of Revelation you find there is a quotation that reads:

'I looked and lo, a LAMB stood on the Mount Zion, and with HIM an hundred and forty and four thousand, which follow the Lamb whithersoever HE goeth!'

The LAMB that stood as depicted there, is the selfsame One that was slain before the foundation of the world, Biblically and Scripturally speaking, but it is to be understood concerning the mystery, the Life of CHRIST to the people, to lead them out of misery, disappointment and failure; for they followed the LAMB whithersoever HE goeth.

There are many things along that line that will show you the mystery of the LAMB and the mystery of the Marriage of the LAMB. Things that are spoken by the Spirit, GOD speaks them at times according to the minds of those who hear them; but things are done in parables so that those who do not know may observe things from a parable point of view and my glean a closer understanding concerning the mystery that had been hid and had not been revealed. So it is a wonderful privilege to live in this Recognition and to build upon this Foundation."