"We Will Drive Insurrection and Sedition and Fifth Columnist from among Our Borders by the Unity of Spirit,
of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose."

"Righteousness and Judgment Are the Habitation of His Throne; the Earth Saw and Trembled."

"We Do Not Believe in Taking up Arms...But We Can Stand as a Defense for the Defenseless."

An Excerpt from a Message Given at a Patriotic Mass Meeting, Greenkill Auditorium Greenkill Park, Ulster County, N. Y.,
Columbus Day, Sunday, October 12, 1941 A.D.F.D., Time: 12 Noon to 6 P.M.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord




"This day has been set apart as a day to call on our fellow citizens, divers representatives in the different communities for National and Civil Defense. According to MY Personal Religious Conviction, as it may be termed, and according to a good many of MY Followers, no doubt, we do not believe in taking up arms, a good many of us, but we can stand as a defense for the defenseless and be as a protection to rescue the perishing and care for the dying in the case of emergency and in case there would necessarily be a time when such would befall us. Nevertheless, over and above such a negative concept or prospect, we realize if the people of North America, the United States of America, will adhere to MY message, we will safeguard against outside invasion and we will drive insurrection and sedition and fifth columnist from among our borders by the Unity of Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose.

I do not have an occasion to fear any such among us, because we unite together effectively for one common cause and for one common purpose. By this, we have a Righteous Government, and we have actually established it within, the government that was spoken of by the mouth of David in one of his Psalmic predictions:

'Righteousness and judgment are the habitation of His Throne; the earth saw and trembled.'

I can see them trembling at this righteous judgment which I have transmitted. I can see them trembling at the legalisticness of this Truth as advocated and demonstrated, because our legal authorities are recognizing it, those who are open-minded enough not to be bigoted and prejudiced. GOD is bringing the Truth into legality and bringing it into the recognition of the legal representatives and the authorities. For this cause, I AM Righteousness. I have long since declared the legalization of RIGHTEOUSNESS shall be established and I will not be discouraged until it shall have been actually established legally just as I have it Religiously and organizationally, if you please.

Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.'

Can you not see the mystery? I AM happy to say, the true followers of Mine, who live exactly according to MY teaching, they are expressing daily national defense, by being real, true Americans, by a real, genuine political or American conversion."

The New Day: October 23, 1941 A.D.F.D., Pg. 19-20