"The Youth Groups (Rosebuds and Crusaders) Can and Will Lead the Destiny. . . Of This Nation
If They (this Nation) will abide in ME.. . and Let MY Spirit and Mind Guide Them."

An excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Message Given at the Banquet Table, 152-160 West 126th Street, New York City,
June 30th 1941, at 3:05 AM., The New Day of April 14th, 1956, Page 15



MOTHER DIVINE, Queen of the Rosebuds
and some of the Rosebuds and Crusaders
at the Palace Mission Church Annual Meeting

MOTHER DIVINE, Queen of the Rosebuds and some of the Rosebuds and Crusaders at the Palace Mission Church Annual Meeting



FATHER DIVINE speaks as follows:


Now think of it! In these assemblies where I serve the Holy Communion daily and nightly, the Freedom of Speech and the Freedom to Peacefully Assemble. The Freedom to express your Religious Conviction and the Freedom to be governed by your Highest Intuition have given you access for expression and (for) the CHRIST within and among you and in business and in every activity to be brought to fruition! Therefore, for you and among you and within you, I have the Victory over every opposition, for GOD has the Mastery over all undesirable conditions!

What a privilege to live in such a recognition, to live in such a place as this one in consciousness, where the Scripture is actually fulfilled in all simplicity and simply manifesting the reality of the prediction,

And a little child shall lead them !

Those who, are called the Rosebuds, those who are called the Crusaders, the youth groups, can and will lead the destiny, not only of you personally but even of the nation, nationally.

A little child shall lead them!

Not only you, as I say, as Believers and Followers and Friends, but those who are representing the government itself and all society must recognize and realize GOD is speaking by inspiration and through these compositions, the Words of Salvation to the chief executives! Not only the Words of Salvation for the Spirit or soul, as it may be termed, but the Words of Salvation for this great democracy - for the government under which we live! Aren't you glad!

If it is good for all government, and all government will - must and will- eventually accept of it, for they cannot get around it!


Thank YOU, FATHER for those powerful thoughts and here is a Crusader Creed to go with them:

We, the International, Interracial, Interdenominational youth of FATHER DIVINE'S Universal Peace Mission Movement Believe that it is our reasonable service to our GOD, to our Country, to our Church, to our fellow man and to ourselves, by living to the letter daily lives of virtue, purity, virginity and holiness to present our bodies as living sacrifices in fulfillment of our official religious and political documents.