"When True Americanism Shall Have Been Developed and Brought to Fruition Then We Will Have
True Evangelism That Shall Go Forth into All Civilization Evangelizing All Creation!"

"I Represent the Scale of Justice." --- FATHER DIVINE

Re: Cloture.

Remarks of Reverend MAJOR J. DIVINE, Olympia Auditorium, Philadelphia, Pa., October 27, 1940 A.D.F.D.



The Welcome Center at The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Welcome Center at The Mount of the House of the Lord




"I heard one of the speakers say a little while ago, you should vote this way or that way. It is a privilege to know we are not representing partisanism, we are not representing racialism and we are not representing sectarianism but we are representing AMERICANISM! And when True Americanism shall have been developed and brought to fruition then we will have True Evangelism that shall go forth into all civilization evangelizing all creation!"

"I represent the SCALE OF JUSTICE and we, as the inhabitants of the earth, are on the Scale of Justice to be weighed, and we must have an Equitable Adjustment and everything must be weighted accurately with the spirit of equity without any selfishness or prejudiced tendencies."

"I corresponded with President Roosevelt and practically all of the representatives of this great country, asking their committal on these important issues such as the passage of the Anti-lynching Bill and such as the abolition of filibustering in the Senate, for such is an act to obstruct justice, to prohibit such bills and such measures that may be presented from coming to a vote.

"Those who will endorse such and will tolerate such and will not vote for CLOTURE for any measure that has been mistreated as the Anti-lynching Bill and will not give it a chance to come to a vote, such persons by such an endorsement, refusing to endorse the bill and vote for CLOTURE are actually endorsing lynching indirectly!"

(Cloture: The parliamentary procedure by which debate is closed and the measure under discussion brought up for an immediate vote.)

"Then you call yourselves American citizens and will endorse such a person that will endorse such an act, one who will encourage brutality by the savages and the human brutes of humanity, who will allow them to go free when they hang men to the tree and will not lift up their voices against such outrages for the mere graft and greed of filthy lucre and for authority!"