"By My Cooperative System, I Am Creating Jobs and Positions for Millions
and Causing Millions to Be Lifted from Lacks, Wants and Limitations."

An Excerpt from a Message Given by FATHER DIVINE at the Circle Mission Church, Inc.,
772 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa., June 13-14, 1940 A.D.F.D.

MOTHER DIVINE, Miss Dorothy Darling,
at the Divine Fairmont Hotel, Newark, N. J.

MOTHER DIVINE addressing a large group 
on the Winter trek here at The Mount of the House of the Lord. Roger Klaus is taking a picture.


"There are those who would criticize the Movement of which I AM representing, the Peace Mission Movement--not an organization but a Movement consisting of all Organizations, of all Nations, all Languages and all Tongues and People; yet they would attempt--a good many people--to criticize that of which I AM actually demonstrating. Many times they think or say, `Father does not do this,' or, `His Work is impractical and unprofitable,' and such like as that, while through by MY Spirit there are millions throughout this land and country and in other countries, coming into possession of an earthly inheritance as well as a spiritual inheritance and those of MY critics--a good many of them--cannot even so much as give their family a home in which to live!

"By MY Cooperative System, I AM creating jobs and positions for millions and causing millions to be lifted from lacks, wants and limitations; causing those who were poverty stricken before they knew ME, by this Cooperative System to come together in the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose and live soberly, righteously and Godly and still be wealthy!"