"Where There Is Division There Is Strife, but Where There Is Unity, There Is Strength."

An Excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Message at the Ball Park, Lehigh Avenue and Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
September 4, 1939 A.D.F.D. Time: From 3:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.


The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord




Again I say, I AM not representing a creed. I AM not representing a race. I AM not representing a color. All such expressions in their limited divers divisions are curses. They are curses to themselves by segregation. It is written in the Scripture, and I verify the same: "Where there is division there is strife, but where there is unity, there is strength."

Everything that divides against others is a curse in itself. It is a strife and it is a curse in itself, even if it is not conscious of it; therefore, come together and love ye one another, all ye inhabitants of America. For as it was with the desire of Jesus concerning Jerusalem, He desired to hover her (Jerusalem) as a hen hovers her brood, yea, as a hen hover her brood, even so desire I to hover you, oh, ye America, with this Light of Understanding.