If You Want Happiness Vividly Visualize It And
GOD Will Materialize It In Your Physical Bodies.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



"It is a privilege to realize that which is desirable and all things that have been desired, they have been actually materialized by your conscious recognition of the materializer as the creator, the author and the finisher.

"Therefore I bring into actuality the reality of the desirable. Where the undesirable has been in evidence, I bring into actuality the reality of that which has been desired. I tangibilate it and I personify it and you are the personification of that which I AM stressing. If you want happiness, vividly visualize it and GOD, in your name, will materialize it in your physical bodies, and you will become to be the personification of it.

"Now, imagine all you wish to or all you can...If your imaginations are desirable, if they are recognizable, they can be realizable by being materialized and by being personified."

New Day, Apr. 15,1961; P. 4-5 Message - Given July 9, 1939; 2:25 A.M.