"So Long as We Will Continue as a People to Rob Each Other and to Spoil Each Other,
to Take the Advantage of Each Other Otherwise,
We Cannot Expect to Have Peace."

"Peace shall reach the Universe-At-Large." --- FATHER DIVINE



The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



"PEACE, EVERYONE: ...I have arisen to say in reference to our Work as described by Dr. Broadman a little while ago: we would like to say, our Work is not confined nor bound merely to that which is termed religious fanaticism alone. It is not confined nor bound to that which is called spiritualism nor spiritual ecstasy alone, but we bring into actuality the reality of our conscious religious conviction and we put such into practice so effectively until all humanity is obligated to observe it and see the significance of it. Now, as was mentioned a little while ago about the Followers, Believers and Friends--those who are endeavoring to adhere to MY Teaching are paying all old bills, returning all stolen goods, adjusting matters satisfactorily between man and man, that Peace on earth and Good will to them might be a living reality! We know we cannot actually establish Peace unless we lay the Foundation for Peace and establish it in our daily activities between our fellowmen with whom we come in contact. So long as we will continue as a people to rob each other and to spoil each other, to take the advantage of each other otherwise we cannot expect to have peace, even though we may cry Peace! Peace! Peace is not a living reality unless it is established by the Foundation of Actual Service and Peaceful Attitude towards our fellow man!

There are many things I could say along this line. I could stand here and talk until tomorrow afternoon this time but I believe I have said enough to stir up your pure minds, for our Work and our Mission must not stop, as I afore said, at merely paying your old bills as Believers, but it must reach all living creatures. Men of business, profession, labor and trade; all of the diplomats universally and all of the politicians and representatives of the different governments, they all must recognize this Principle that I have lifted, and endeavor to enact Righteousness, Truth and Justice between man and man or else they cannot have Peace on earth among them! This does not merely mean, as I afore said, those who are called MY Followers, as some may consider. There are some people who consider MY Followers merely consist of those of the employees among the nations of the earth, but every JUST and RIGHT-THINKING person is a Follower of MINE or I AM a Follower of him, for those who walk in the Light I have freely given and will deal justly between man and man, they are walking in the Light of this advanced civilization, the Hope of the Redemption of all mankind! Hence it has been exhibited and advocated and stressed and emphasized by the prophets, the sages and the seers as predictions of what would be in this dispensation. Hence we must be partakers of it by living according to that which we are convinced is of an UNSELFISH nature!We speak of Peace continually and whilst we are speaking of Peace and stressing Peace among ourselves and among others, the great significance of Peace must be firstly established within us--a Peaceful attitude towards our fellow men in the act of dealing justly and honestly in all of our activities! By so doing, naturally we will be in harmony one with the other, individually, severally and collectively, until the same expression of Peace shall reach the Universe-At-Large, in all of the countries as well as in this one, when we as individuals learn to live honestly in Deeds and in Actions and express it in our Daily Activities!"