"The Righteous Government Platform as a Stand upon Which Mankind Can Stand That Righteousness,
Truth and Justice Might Be Enacted in Our Present Government



The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord





At this time I rise to still stress our Mission--to bring about Righteousness, Truth and Justice in our present government. It was essential, as our honored speaker said, (Hon. F. J. Gold) to convert the souls of the children of men, that Righteousness, Truth and Justice might be enacted in our present government; for unless they are converted from the Adamic state of consciousness and unrighteousness, they cannot express and judge the people with equity. But we are here to exercise our influence and energize the Spirit and the minds of the children of men that they might be converted unto Righteousness, Truth and Justice, and that they might be partakers of the Nature and the Characteristics of CHRIST on earth among men. By this we will all eventually have a Righteous Judgment, and from the Righteous Judgment as I have drafted from our Righteous Judgment a Righteous Government Platform. We will have a Righteous Government under which to live, according to the Constitution of our great country. For this cause men are stirred from center to circumference, for we are standing for Righteousness, Truth and Justice, and we are putting it forth into practicality in our daily actions among our fellowmen, that Righteousness, Truth and Justice may be legalized by those who are righteous on our judicial bench. Oh, it is wonderful!

"To realize the significance of Righteousness as it has been personified, we have brought forth the RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT PLATFORM as a stand upon which mankind can stand. This I have exemplified individually and have lifted up this Principle as a standard for humanity, and transmitted it to MY Followers collectively and universally.

"Oh, it is a privilege to realize it! I firstly conveyed a Message as a motto for consideration:

I will preach CHRIST in words, but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put My Spirit in them, and cause them to walk in My Statutes.'

"Since I have transmitted MY Spirit to the inhabitants of this people, I have incarnated MY Characteristics; and MY Spirit has been incarnated in them, and now they are walking in MY Statutes, and you can verify it."

At Madison Square - 24th St. and Madison Ave., N.Y.C., N. Y., September 13, 1936 A.D.F.D.