"FATHER DIVINE Gave Me the Greatest Blessing
When He Filled My Heart with a Very Great Joy."

Excerpt from a Speech by Miss Edith Burleigh, Metaphysical Teacher,
Given at 20 W. 115th Street, N.Y.C., December 25, 1935 A.D.F.D.

The Mount of the House of the Lord.

The Mount of the House of the Lord



"I contacted FATHER about two and a half or three years ago, and HE put something into my life that was truly Wonderful. I thought I knew a great deal about happiness, and joy, and peace, but FATHER gave me the greatest blessing when HE filled my heart with a very great Joy, and always when I come here to see FATHER or HE comes to Philadelphia, I always feel like a new person. HE has that something--that something which is love. I am sure no one can look into FATHER'S Eyes and ever feel the same afterwards. I want to thank FATHER for all the lovely things and marvelous blessings, and I know HIS Beautiful Words and HIS Spirit are with me. There isn't a day passes that I don't think of FATHER, and there isn't a day passes that I don't talk about HIM, and I Love HIM. Speaking about FATHER is not like getting up and giving a regular talk or making a speech about any other person, because FATHER is just not like any other person, HE is all together different; and I want to look in FATHER'S Eyes and thank HIM for being here.