"The Supreme Court of New York State, Has Legalized the Angelic Names,
Which Means the Angelic Nature.
Name Means Nature."

Excerpt Taken From FATHER DIVINE'S Message Given at the Righteous Government Forum, Shureman Street, New Brunswick, N.J. ,
November 3, 1935 A.D.F.D., Time: 7:45 P.M.

The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord





(In attendance was Mr. Nelson, Candidate for the New Jersey State Assembly, other City Officials and Candidates for Public Office presenting their platforms for approval, also Counselor Kranzler of the Righteous Government Department)

FATHER DIVINE speaks as follows:)

"This is the great significance of this Righteous Government Forum,--it has a Foundation and a background upon which mankind can stand. Firstly, MYSELF as an individual,--through from whence cometh these offsprings in and of this Peace Mission,--have never taken up a collection, I have not done any soliciting, and I will not allow the people to give ME anything. By this I wish to convey,

`The tree is told by the fruit it bears,'

hence the fruit is told by the tree that bears it,--it is a vice versa. The Tree has borne the fruit of nonpartisanism, of inter-denominational-ism,--inter-racialism, internationalism, and inter-religious from every angle, to bring the truth to the masses. For this cause this truth has been established.

Therefore we have brought about this Righteous Government Forum as the foundation of a Righteous Government throughout the universe. Hence, as we have the different candidates to come before us, we highly appreciate their visits, not only at the time of election, but at all times. When we associate and fellowship together, we learn much more of each other, and we become to be a part of one another, in closer relationship. This is what will be done from now on among the politicians and different candidates for election in the future. They will live righteous lives to compete with the righteousness that I have established in you, for the righteousness that has been quickened in you and transmitted to you, has caused you to have a righteous judgment. With a righteous judgment, you will be able to tell the candidates that are standing for righteousness, justice and truth, for the transmission of their thoughts to you will reveal their ideals and their platform even though it may not be openly seen." .....

"Oh it is a privilege dear ones! Just think of it,--little did you think years and years ago that the condescension of GOD to the earth plane would be established in and among the children of men. Little did you think that the Angelic Life would be legalized. GOD, through the Spirit of HIS actual Presence,--no doubt you have read of it,--by the Supreme Court of New York State, has legalized the angelic names, which means the angelic nature. Name means nature.

This is to be established legally throughout all the Country. It is indeed wonderful! Righteousness, justice and truth! If they did not nor would not desire your angelism or angelic nature to be legalized, they would not desire Righteousness, and truth to be in effect. The Adamic state of consciousness has been endorsed and has been verified by legation. Legality endorses, or has been endorsing mortality, and the Adamic state of consciousness, human nature, etc., but the angelic nature, the Divine nature now shall be legalized, and legality shall endorse it universally."

Taken from The Spoken Word: November 9, 1935 A.D.F.D., Pg. 28-29