"We Will Legalize All of the Truth and the Spirit of Righteousness."

An Excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Message Given At a Mass Meeting sponsored by Alexander Hamilton High School,
Friday, November 1, 1935 A.D.F.D., Time: 11:15 P.M.


The Welcome Center at The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Welcome Center at The Mount of the House of the Lord





"We will legalize all RIGHTEOUSNESS that we imbibe. We will legalize all of the TRUTH and the SPIRIT of RIGHTEOUSNESS that we Personify. We will bring it into the Educational field. That is why I have encouraged you all, both young and old apparently, to go to School. Now I Say both young and old apparently. I stress the thought apparently, because you are only APPARENTLY young and apparently old. It matters not how young you are apparently, it matters not how old you are apparently, if you are not eligible for registering and voting, qualify yourselves.

"Last year we did have in New York City, around three thousand in School. Now isn't that wonderful! Running all the way from eighteen to a hundred and seven years old! We had one of our pupils or students that was attending the night school-one of them was said to be a hundred and seven years old, and I presume he looks to be about like ME. It has been said that he was a Hindu by birth--according to the flesh he was born in India, but I don't think that has so much to do with it. If you know CHRIST and the Life HE lived, and you live it, I don't think such would have so much to do with it. Now isn't that Wonderful! But he has testified of being changed completely after coming in contact with ME about four or five years ago.

"So we are saying that to say this, we heartily and greatly rejoice in, and also endorse the statement of the Commissioner. (James E. Finegan, Head of Civil Service) Educate yourselves, and qualify yourselves, and if you are qualified and eligible for voting, or for filling any other position, if you have respectability established in your lives, you can and will eventually endorse others, or in other words be endorsed yourselves. Let us continue to do so.

"I just had a couple of Educators to call on ME this afternoon at our Banquet Table, who said they wanted as many of you as possible, to take up different courses in the free Night School, young or old, on 141st Street--I think it is near Lennox Avenue. Now just see the opportunity you have! As the Commissioner said, there are millions of dollars spent yearly for the education of the people, and if you are not qualified how can you expect to fill the position just because you are who you think you are? But qualify yourselves and make yourselves eligible, and seek that which is righteous, and that which is justice, and you will come pretty near getting it, for I will help you. I thank you."

The Spoken Word: November 9, 1935 A.D.F.D. - Pg. 22-23