"Deal with Every Man Justly and Honestly; and Give Him a Chance Instead of Charity;
and He Will Be Able to Help Himself. That Is My Platform."


The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord



'...MY PLATFORM extends not only to that which is termed a RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT, but to that which is commonly known among some, as the distribution of the wealth of this country' to all people while yet, MY Method is not exactly in the direct way of expression. The transposed version of that, by MY Interpretation is, the distribution of opportunity:' giving every man an opportunity and equal opportunity; to deal with every man justly and honestly; and give him a chance instead of charity; and he will be able to help himself. That is MY PLATFORM.

'I endeavor to help men to help themselves, to lift themselves up out of the ruts and mirks and mire and out of the ditches, to get on the Highway of Holiness, in Righteousness, Truth and Justice, where every man can have an equal right to that which is due him. Oh, it is Wonderful!'

June 30, 1935 A.D.F.D.