"Being Positive in Words, Deeds and Actions Produces Desirable Results."

"Positive Words, Not Merely from the Mind but from the Heart,
Will Reach the Hearts and Souls of Others."


The Mount of the House of the Lord

The Mount of the House of the Lord


When I say, Good Health, Good Appetite and Good Will, remember I AM not merely saying these words as a formula to be repeated or rehearsed, but I AM saying them from the sincere desire of My Heart, as it may be termed, to reach the hearts and lives of the children of men. If you speak words of positiveness, in other words, positive words, not merely from the mind but from the heart, it will reach the hearts and souls of others and it will quicken them and bring them into subjection and cause them to be partakers of your characteristics. That is why one writer says,

'Evil communications corrupt good morals; ill qualities are catching as well as diseases, and a man is known by the company he keeps.'

The reverse is equally true. If you will keep company with the Positive, the True and the Real, you will be partakers of His (characteristics). These qualities are contagious with the characteristics of the producer of same. Hence I send out these thoughts for your consideration -- good health, good appetite and a good will to all mankind. This was broadcast on the day or days around about the time that individual was born that was called Jesus of Nazareth, or in other words, of Bethlehem. The spirit of the mind of the Wise Men, conveyed to them a thought within, as though it was the angels singing -- saying,

'Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth Peace, Good Will to men.'
Click here for the full text of FATHER DIVINE'S Message given Monday, March 5, 1934 A.D.F.D.