"The great significance of thinking GOD into action."

"When you think GOD into action, HE will come into display automatically!"

An aerial view of The Mount of the House of the Lord

An arial view of The Mount of the House of the Lord


Concentrating upon the strength of the strong, you tend to produce it and bring it into your experience by vividly and enthusiastically thinking or concentrating upon it." While sitting thinking, MY Thought ran to the great significance of speaking and thinking GOD into action. It is indeed wonderful! When you think GOD into action, HE will come into display automatically! It is indeed wonderful! Thinking vividly and believing equivalently, the very Same Spirit and Mind of your thinking according to your thoughts, with faith and unshaken confidence, will bring into outer expression the desirable qualities of HIM of Whom you are thinking. It is indeed wonderful!

Then I say, your thoughts and words have been materialized. Remember, everything that you see and hear was created by the thinking or by the thoughts of GOD! You cannot think them into existence, for they are existing, but by your rightful thinking on the positive condition, it will tend to bring into materialization that which you are thinking. Aren't you glad! When you believed ME, though you were sickly, you have been made healthy! When you were weakly, you have been made strong by your Faith in HIM that liveth forever! Concentrating upon the strength of the strong, you tend to produce it and bring it into your experiences by vividly and enthusiastically thinking or concentrating upon it. It is indeed wonderful! FATHER DIVINE