"Condescendingly I Came, as an Existing Spirit, Unembodied until Condescendingly
Imputing Myself in a Bodily Form in the Likeness of Men I Came." --- Father Divine

"Joy to the World the LORD Has Come ."

An excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Remarks Given at the Banquet Table, 20 W. 115th Street, New York City.
Tuesday, January 16th, 1934 A.D.F.D, Time 12:00 Noon.

Peace Mission Extension, 115th Street, N. Y. C.

Peace Mission Extension,115th Street, N. Y. C.



FATHER sang and spoke as follows:

Joy to the world, Joy to the world, - Joy to the world for the Lord has come, etc. - Let every heart prepare Him room; - Joy to the world for the Lord has come, etc. - Life and Peace, Health and Love, - Joy to the world for the Lord has come, etc. - No more doubts, there are no more fears; - Joy to the world for the Lord has come, etc. - All the way from Heaven to earth; - Joy to the world for the Lord has come, etc. Christ came and manifested Himself in the Flesh; - Joy to the world for the Lord has come, etc.

Good Health, Good Will, and Good Appetite to one and to all! This is the Message of the Lord and the Blessings combined with these; I bring and unite them to all mankind, that they too, as well as you, might come to this place in consciousness that these qualities of Spirit and Life and Love, the desirable Characteristics of the Christ and the Attributes of GOD, might be personified you as individuals being the personifiers of the limitless blessing that I have called to your attention. It is Wonderful! I AM not merely calling your attention to these things, but I have brought them forth in your experiences, that you might both hear and see them. You can hear them with your ears as they are put forth into expression in words, in deeds and in actions through praises and thanksgivings to the great Creator. Aren't you glad!

Then I say,

'Joy to the world for the Lord has come.'

There is something condescendingly coming from the Heavenly state of expression, out of the mortal versions of men, from the Spiritual Realm down to the material plane that they might recognize the actual materialization of every good and desirable blessing.

For this cause I came, and for this purpose I stand as a Living Sacrifice in the midst of the children of men, yet not more than each and every one of them should be. It is an expression that some have not brought forth to fruition in their experiences, but it has been beseeched by the spirit of GOD through the mouth of the Apostle, that each and every individual might bring his body

'as a living sacrifice...unto GOD",

that each and every person and all persons combined, might come to this recognition; that they are bought with a price and they are not their own and that each and every individual might learn the great significance of giving his body as a living sacrifice to GOD, that GOD might live and rule and reign in him. As they will to give Him their bodies GOD will give them His Spirit and His Mind.

Condescendingly I Came

Condescendingly I came, as an existing Spirit, unembodied until condescendingly imputing Myself in a Bodily Form in the likeness of men I came, that I might speak to them in their own language; coming to a Country that is supposed to be the Country of the Free, where mankind has been privileged to serve GOD according to the dictates of his own conscience; coming sponsoring this Peace Mission and this Spiritual Revelation in the hearts of the children of men, and establishing the Kingdom of GOD in the midst of them - it is wonderful - that they might become to be living Epistles as individuals, seen and read of men, and verifying that which has long since been said, "The Tabernacle of GOD is with men, and He shall dwell with them, and GOD Himself shall be with them, and shall be their GOD and they shall be His people."

Note: The above paragraph is the text as inscribed on the interior walls of The Shrine to Life.

We are rejoicing because we are bringing into materialization and into physicalization, the very Scripture and the Gospel, that was spoken through Reveal-ation of the Spirit in the Prophets, Apostles, and Epistles.

The Spirit of GOD'S Presence is sponsoring this great Universal Christ Consciousness Mission, that mankind might come to the recognition of GOD'S Presence and be conscious of GOD'S Presence on the material plane even as Jesus as a Person was. Through this consciousness, Jesus as and individual did have the victory over adversities, He had the victory over those that seemed to be adversaries to the Principle that He was advocating. Hence, being willing to sacrifice His physical Body for the Principle that He was advocating for His version concerning GOD, HIS FATHER, the great Creator He brought into materialization and physicalated, the very Principle Itself, hence

'The Word was made flesh.'

But remember, it was not made flesh merely for an individual to be observed, but not enjoyed by all. It is Wonderful! GOD condescendingly came and made Himself Flesh on the material plane in the Name of Jesus, that they that lived on the material plane and would come after Him, might "copy after the fashion" of His materializing expression that He had manifested to them. Aren't you glad!

For this cause we are rejoicing and we are exceedingly glad. These Truths are being materialized and are being personified by those that will live in this recognition. After having realized that GOD has been materialized, visualizing the thing vividly, you become to be a part of it, and becoming to be a part of it the "little leaven" will leaven the whole lump; for greater are the Creative Forces of this Spirit, and this Power, through this recognition, than that of the material deteriorating degree of expression that is in your systems. It is Wonderful! Greater is that great Creative Force of Nature within your system than that deteriorating and degrading degree of expression which will come to and end as the advancement of the spiritualizing process goes on in the hearts and lives of men.

Then I say, the "little leaven" has in reality leavened the whole lump. It is indeed Wonderful! It has really leavened the whole lump, and your bodies have become to be the personified expression and manifestation of the identical Christ, the Fundamental Principle that was without a body in the beginning. Aren't you glad!

Spirit of Transformation

Do you not see the great significance of this recognition? Through this recognition, the Spirit of transformation is going on in your consciousness and in your system. It is transforming you, according to the Epistle, by the renewing of your minds, and your bodily forms are being purified. It is Wonderful! That is why you are coming from far and near to hear the insignificance of ME. Through visualizing that which you cannot physically see, the spiritualizing process will go on in you, and you will begin to materialize that which you observe mentally and spiritually, until eventually the very materialized process of the Spiritual angelic expression will be fully materialized in the transformation of Spirit and Mind, to Flesh and Bones of which it was said by Him,

'A Spirit hath not flesh and bones.'

HE transformed Himself from Spirit to Flesh. Mankind has been observing spirits long enough. That is why HE said, "Fear not." It is Wonderful! Do you not see the pre-interpretation of this extension and of this unfoldment that has been brought to the world in the last time? When Jesus said, "Fear not ...Peace be unto thee", that was after the Resurrection.

'Handle ME and feel ME, and see that a spirit hath not flesh and bones,'

said HE, calling them off the psychic plane and from the Spiritual Realm in their imaginations, that they might come to the conscious recognition of the Actual materialization of GOD Himself.

'Handle ME and feel ME, and see.'

Condescendingly I came, allowing the Religious world, the social world, the intellectual world, the political world, the legal fields, and the financial world, to "Handle ME and feel ME", and see that I AM not a spirit. It is Wonderful! All of these worlds and fields of life, are but the personification of doubting Thomas. Being the personification individually and collectively, they are the organization of doubting Thomas. The materialists seek to find something from a material point of view, but Christ in the midst of you has brought for your consideration the Actual materialization of Spiritual things, and the spiritualization of material things, that you and they might realize, GOD in man is in reality materialized and has been brought into outer expression, that you can handle Him and feel Him, and see that a Spirit has not flesh and bones. It is Wonderful!