"Bring an End to the Rights of States That Are Unconstitutional."

The United Countries of America.

Sratuary at The Mount of the House of the Lord

statuary at The Mount of the House of the Lord December 9th, 1939 A.D.F.D.


One Nation, One Language, One Flag, One Speech

Telegrams To - President Roosevelt, Vice President; Garner and U. S. Senate; Hon. Bankhead, House of Representatives; Sec..of State Hull and Sec. Of War Woodring.

December 9, 1939 A.D.F.D.

"Why Not Unite the Three Americas as a National and International Defense For Peace? Let There Be The United Countries of America. Even as this Is the United States of America; If Not I Propose That the United States Purchase Central and South America, and Make All the Americas One Democracy"

"The unification of the Americas would be a great step in the right direction. It would serve as a sample and an ex ample for the rest of the world.. Can you not see how great it would be if all of the nations of the earth, not only these twenty-one republics but all of the nations of the earth, would join together in the reality of the unity of the Spirit, of mind, of aim and of purpose? I do not mean that they should merely unite as The League of Nations, each democracy being a separate democracy, and divided against themselves, but I mean that they should actually unite. Instead of just confederating themselves together as different democracies My proposal is that they unite together in one democracy, with one flag, one language, one speech, and one people.

"Then the Universal Brotherhood of Man and the recognition of the Fatherhood of God could be realized. Until this is accomplished there can be no real Peace. --FATHER DIVINE



April 25,1949 A.D.F.D.

The Pendulum Of Equilibrium

Hereafter, All Nations Shall Be Guided by the Pendulum of Equilibrium Which I Have Started Swinging in the Defense of Humanity Generally and for the Preservation of Peace Universally.

The Unification of All Nations or Allied Nations is the Only Hope of Salvation of Any Nation. - FATHER DIVINE



Father Divine's Proposal, June 11. 1947 A.D.F.D.

To The President of the United States of America;

I appeal to You and every Representative and Senator in accord, for the salvation of yourselves and your subjects here and at large, you had better make laws immediately to bring an end to segregation and discrimination and to bring an end to the rights of States that are unconstitutional to have their sovereign rights.

I appeal to the Federal Government and its representatives to cross the border of all Sovereign States and break every State Law that is unconstitutional and that will endorse murder, vice and crime such as those of many of the States of the Union. The time is out for that.

Rev M. J. DIVINE. Ms. D., D.D.

(Better known as FATHER DIVINE)