"All Shall Have Free Access for Transportation and To Immigrate From
One Country To Another." --- FATHER DIVINE

FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon Given During the Righteous Government Meeting Peace Center Church and Home Of New Jersey, Inc.
122-126 Howard Street, Newark, New Jersey, Thursday Evening May 3, 1945 A.D. F.D., Time: 10:45 P.M.



FATHER DIVINE is calling for a Righteous Government, - That shall stand for the Constitution and its Amendments; - That shall give every citizen unalienable rights - To express True Americanism - in every walk of life. - Now we shall have it, for GOD has said - Not one of HIS Words shall be in vain. - If HE has to shake Creation to make them obey, - We shall have a Righteous Government and All men shall be the SAME. - Shall -be the same - Shall be the same - We shall have the selfsame Rights. - The Bill of Rights shall be enacted from the Capitol to the streets - And eventually GOD'S Children shall be free, free indeed.

(FATHER Speaks as follows:)



Peace, everyone: good health, goodwill and a good 10ppetite - a good appetite for wisdom, knowledge and for understanding and for every other desirable blessing for the sustenance of your bodies as well as for that of your soul.

At this particular instance I have arisen to say, we shall have the selfsame rights, and I do not mean some other kind of rights. Matters not how "equal" you may say they are, we will not have other rights but the selfsame rights for everyone.

The bill of rights shall be enacted from the capitol to all of the streets - all in the southern states as well as in the middle Atlantic and New England states. Now aren't you glad. ("so glad, lord," replied the enthusiastic audience.)


Carrying the Petitions to Washington, D. C.

Carrying the Petitions to 
washington, D. 


The time has come for the BILL of RIGHTS to be ENACTED; no longer just merely to be considered as a document but the BILL of RIGHTS shall be ENACTED, and everyone shall have the SELFSAME RIGHTS. You all have heard ME say it for many years, for truly the Life as being termed the Blood, has paid it all. Therefore, I shall not be discouraged and I shall not be disturbed until that shall have been accomplished for which I came.

That little composition came forth by inspiration through the transmission of MY Spirit to those of the insignificant, but yet it is a declaration, for it is the Conscious Recognition and the Realization of MILLIONS from whence this and these laws were drafted. Aren't you glad. ("So glad," came the reply.)


Racial Equality in Georgia

Whilst sitting here just a moment ago I happened to look around - having not seen it Personally in the paper - in the press - but I noticed an excerpt which says.

"Interracial Commission in Georgia Urges Racial Equality"

We shall have it from the Capitol to every street. And as you heard ME say ten, fifteen or twenty years ago, "W e shall have it just as I have it on MY immediate Staff from shore to shore and from land to land." Now you can see the Spirit of it as it is enveloping the land; for truly a nation is arising, rich in Virtue, in Brotherhood and in Peace, and it shall eventually contagionize the universe.

I need not say more, for words are inadequate. All of the words of the human language, of every language, tongue and people and of all of their dialects and accents, they are all inadequate to explain what GOD is actually doing and what GOD has done and is going to do. I think I will show you better than I can tell you, in the Actuated Words of Expression; for it is a common phrase quite often used here in America,

'Actions speak louder than words.'

Aren't you glad. ("So glad," came the reply.) For this cause, the Actuated Words of Expression, I have put them forth into action in our daily transactions so effectively and so vividly until the universe is getting it. Aren't you glad. ("So glad, LORD," replied the congregation.) After a while there will be no division, there will be no strife. I AM working cancellation on that line of demarcation. I AM working cancellation on that Mason and Dixon Line. I AM bringing an abolition to localization and everyone shall eventually be free from barriers and limitations, and immigration will not be set up as a barrier of prohibitation, by its laws, rules and regulations, to prohibit the free access of immigrating from one country to the other. Aren't you glad. ("So glad," came the reply.)


The Brotherhood of Man Shall Be Recognized.

I came to set you free. We shall bring an end, an abolition to every barrier of prohibitation, and all shall have a free access for transportation and to immigrate and for immigrating from one country to the other; and even localization in our respective communities will have no longer a barrier upon us. Aren't you glad. ("so glad," replied the multitude.) everybody shall see and know after a while, it is better to express that universal brotherhood of man in the actuated words of expression, to bring an abolition to localization and bring an abolition to all division and everything that spells segregation. Aren't you glad. ("So glad," again came the response.) Alienism shall not have access for expression for we shall be citizens of a great country. Aren't you glad. ("Truly glad, LORD," responded the congregation enthusiastically.)

What said I many years ago?

'Unite the three Americas for national defense.'

That was first said as I saw the war coming on. I thought to have the Americas united together, as I knew it would be impossible at that late date to unite all of the countries together. But MY Proposal to unite the Three Americas, you can see the people are getting together.

There are many things I could say, but we mean to live our Constitution; not only enact the Bill of Rights but we mean to live the Bill of Rights, and we mean to become to be universally the personification of those three great American documents -the Constitution and its Amendments, the Declaration of Independence and FATHER DIVINE'S Righteous Government Platform. These three American documents shall be imbibed so vividly, so conscientiously and so sincerely until the masses will be Living Epistles of a Real Citizenry of this Democracy. Aren't you glad. ("Truly glad, GOD ALMIGHTY," cried the audience.) Then we can live in Peaceful and Quiet Resting Places and no man will make you ashamed and neither make you afraid. Aren't you glad.

("So glad, FATHER Dear," again. verified the audience.)

So the bill of rights shall be enacted from the Capitol to all of the streets. Then we will have peace on earth and good will toward men. I thank you.


News Clipping Read

For your consideration we are going to ask the Secretary to read this little excerpt for the purpose of verifying MY Statement and encouraging you, My Followers and Friends, to let you know I AM at work on the Home Front to back our boys abroad with brotherhood and democracy at home. When they return they will not desire to do any harm. I thank you.

(At this point the above mentioned article was read, which told of the interracial activities being planned by the Georgian Interracial Commission for the immediate future, and which they expect to receive the full cooperation of the intelligent general public in the carrying out of such plans. At the conclusion of the reading, the whole audience sang the inspirational song, entitled, "Away Down in Texas," after which FATHER arose to speak once more as follows:)

PEACE, EVERYONE: At this instance I have arisen to say, if any of our visiting guests and visiting friends desire to speak, feel free to do so if you care to. If you desire an introduction according to custom we will introduce you, but if you desire to move volitionally even as we do, you are welcome to do so. I thank you.